Started off the morning with a breakfast of champions, Spiderman Trix and some Sunny Delight :) Austen was not exactly certain how to feel.

Addison was all over the place... one second she was ecstatic, the next she was in tears.

There was a little videoing going on, so stay tuned for that...

First day preparation...

Ready to go, and headed out!

A couple schoolday portraits! He looks so grown-up! (Okay, getting teary-eyed now :) )

A quick family shot...

Walking into school...

A few more shots while we were waiting to get into the classroom...

Austen, getting some last minute advice from his Dad...

Austen is in Pre-First... I'll be a bragging mom, and tell you it's because he's so brilliant :)

I love this look he gave me just before they closed the door...

We're so excited to get to hang out with our old friends Matt and Kristen (and their daughters Alli and Kaitlyn this year)!

The day passed quickly, and soon it was 2:00 and time to pick Austen back up!

I am sure Nathan will post the video recap soon, but thanks for hanging out with me through this long photoblog!
We survived! Thanks for all the love!
Thanks so much for sharing! Absolutely adorable! The picture of Austin as the door is closing brought a tear to my eye! You did a great job photographing day one of his looong journey in school! =)
So sweet. But listen: you CANNOT post pics of Austen in his undies on the blog anymore! Now that he's a big boy, we can't have the other kids finding pics of him in his skeevies on the internet - that would ruin his very short life! ; )
Thanks so much for posting all this! He is such a BIG handsome young man!!! So glad the whole family was a part of this big day! Glad I got to see him at the end of this day too!!! Thanks! Love all of you!
wow! amazing!! i wish I had first day of school pictures like cool⁄!!
Good work Austen! You're gonna be the stud of the class! I can already tell. Rock on!
Where did the summer go? School starting and it's only August 13th?? He's going to be SUCH a heartbreaker :)
AWE. That is awesome Amber. Your kids are going to have so many special memories from their childhood when they grow up. Its funny because I have similar pictures my dad took of me going to school and in the class room. I thought he was a dork and was totally embarrassed by it then but now I am totally happy I have those images. Well done you had me all teary eyed.
YAH AUSTEN! I hope you had fun! You look so cool in your uniform! I want to hear stories all about school!
The pictures are great...crying at work :)
What a great story! Way to rock the PJ in you! He'll love these when he's a famous rockstar photographer like his parents.
You guys. :)
This post made me all teary eyed... What a cool way to capture such a BIG moment in a kid's life!! Ya'll rock my face off for doing this!
So cute! Alyssa just started Kindergarten and we were running a little late on the first day because we were taking pictures too.
omg..that brought tears to *my* eyes! I have no idea how you did it!! what an awesome post and the pictures are just amazing! I agree with Amanda, he's gonna be such a heartbreaker!
love you guys!
That is so cute! As a former teacher, I know that Austen's teacher is going to love him to pieces!
I'm so proud of Austen! He's such the little man now! An new era and he's going to be great in it!
Very smooth first day. Proves that anticipation is like one of those magnifying distortion mirrors.
You ALL did great on his first day of school.
Congrats on your successful first day of school, Austen!
Austen is the cutest little man...and so grown up! O.K. I'm going to cry cause I've never met him! AH!
Can't wait to see you guys in September!
Aggggghhh...I LOVE Austen! He's so stinkin' adorable! :)
We are expecting our first born in 6 weeks...a boy...his name is Max. Just visiting your blog....heh....kind of a sneak peak into whats in store I suppose.....
The blog stalker who is finally speaking out...
Those photos are great!!! I remember that process just 2 years ago with Brian (and he wore the SAME backpack! lol)
I will be doing the same thing, sending my middle son to kindergarten on the 28th.
That photo before the door closed is absolutely priceless!
What a HANDSOME son you have!!!! The first day is always sooo hard...ON US MOMS...haha ;-) Excellent soo ROCK!!!!
I love your work!! I'm from Cleveland and I'm a photographer too!
Glad everyone survived. (Wait, I thought he was home-schooled? I'll have to have Maria call you...we're home-schooling Kate this year!) gets easier. Today was Dominic's first day of second grade. It was the first time since pre-k that I didn't get choked up. I think he's glad I didn't. (If anything...I'm sad he doesn't have his first grade teacher anymore...she was awesome!!!)
Everyone at LaCour congratulates Austen on his first day of school! What a milestone for you guys as parents! Love to all of you ~ Erin
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