Nathan and I attempted to take a self-portrait of ourselves... but for the first time in history, we were completely unsuccessful. This is the best we could do :)

Tuesday we drove up to Nashville for a meeting with a wedding planner up there, and as logistics would have it, Tuesday was the day that our dear friend David Jay flew in from Santa Barbara... another one of our friends from Chicago, Sarah Barlow was also in town to help David shoot his wedding this weekend... so we were able to hook up with them and hang out! It was awesome funtimes!
We started out downtown Nashville, the sushi restaurant where we were planning on getting dinner was not yet open, so we shopped around a bit before dinner.
This picture makes me smile...

Sushi dinner was super fun...

Ladies, he's available!

Ice cream at Coldstone followed...

Check out Davids blog for a crazy video of the ending of our night, driving back to Chattanooga... A real Tennessee party!
The next morning, we got up and headed out for a big breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

We had the privilege of dining with Garrett and Joy Nudd and wee Graycen and Chris and Katie Torres. David Jay made an appearance as well!
Austen is addicted to technology already... even without the iphone!

The gals.

Baby G

The whole crew!

Then, we drove straight over to my friend Kathy's house, and had a wonderful Fourth of July lunch! We love spending time with our Chattanooga family!

After lunch, we headed over to Sarah's aunt's house... Janet graciously allowed us to crash the party, and we had a blast hanging out at her beautiful house on the lake!
Nathan and Austen out on the jetski.

Addison and I, hanging out by the pool...

David... obsessed with technology as well.

And a nap, at the end of a long hard day.

I love ALL of you! I am SO excited that I got to spend the holiday with so many people that I love! I am incredibly blessed.
hahahaha....what a great holiday with you guys! :)
Wow! It looks like you guys really had a blast! I hope it's cooler there than it is in CA...
I love these pictures!! Haha, DJ's facial expressions crack me up!
And you can never go thru Tennessee w/o eating at a Cracker Barrel!! :)
Hope 'ya'll' are doin well! It's been a while since I've kept up w/ you two!
OMG -- what happened to Sarah's beautiful red hair?????? :(
Nathan's hat looks a little small. DJ's hat looks a little...nevermind...it's perfect!!
hahhaha! looks like soooo much fun! amber in the cowboy hat pic it kinda looks like you have the holritz logo tatooed on your arm:)
Dan, actually she still has a ton of red in it, the pic just makes it look all blonde, she did get some highlights though:)
So awesome!
love you guys!
HAHHA!! Amazing pics! Lol!
It was soooo great getting to spend time with you all! Love you guys so much! :)
How fun! What a great day it was! Glad we could spend breakfast with you!!!
looks like fun! i am sad that cowboy hats outranked baby norah! you better get back to town S-O-O-N!!! xoxo
love these pics....your whole day seems great! i agree with Natalie Joy--i actually took a double take thinking you got the Holritz photography H tatooed on your arm! too funny! glad we got to spend some of the day with you all...next year remember the dress code:red, white and blue! lol love ya!
Loove the one of you and Addison chillin by the pool! so adorable! love you guys!
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