Our Best Friends... each other. And love.

Our incredible children... who make us smile every single day.

Our families... we miss you guys loads!

(my brother's family is missing :( we love them too!)

Our other family! We love you!

Old friends...

(Special love to Alison... I don't know what I would do without you!!!)

New friends...

(Photo by Chris Grisanti)

(If I missed you... it's just because I don't have a picture accessible!! We love you very much Simpsons, Jessica, and Erin! and we are so sorry for the others that we missed!)
And finally, we are thankful for our relationship with Christ... He gave us all that you see above... and we cannot say thank You enough!
i love your stephanie james dress! i did a photoshoot with her and her husband jim for her new line on her website. nice couple...talented designer ;)
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! We are thankful for all 4 of you!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family!!! Love you and look forward to seeing you next week!
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth 1 Chron. 16:34
Awww, I love you both SO much!! Happy Thanksgiving...give my love to your beautiful kids! :)
We love you guys and can't wait to GTG again!
Hugs to you and the kids :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Nudds
Soooooo adorable! Cheers and blessings to one of the most beautiful families! Miss you all bunches :)
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope you had a great day! When I see these images of family, of friends of old, and friends of new, I become amazingly aware of just how much the Lord has blessed us all!
Blessed for sure to know you guys!
Happy Thanksgiving from St. Louis!
We miss you guys and hope you've had a lovely, relaxing weekend. Can't wait to catch up soon.
Rachel & Andrew
Oh Holritz Family... I just love you sooo much!! :)
Amber, darling, your sweet little texts always brighten up my day, I dont think I tell you thank you enough!!
Happy Thanksgiving!...I am turly am thankful for YOU!!
I love you guys sooooo very much:) I am blessed beyond words to have you in my life. What an amazing God we have!!!!!
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